Community Forestry Case Study 10:
Tree and Land Tenure: Using Rapid Appraisal to Study Natural Resource Management: A case study from Anivorano, Madagascar

by Karen Schoonmaker Freudenberger

Glossary and Acronyms

firaisana Administrative level above the fokonolona (comparable to a county or district)
fokonolona A community with a defined geographic limit and decision-making structure, may include one or more hamlets or villages
PCLS "President", locally chosen administrative officer at fokonolona level
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
RA Rapid Appraisal (refers here to qualitative, participatory research methods in general, including both PRA and RRA)
RAD Ray aman dReny, the village or community elders
RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal
Tangalamena Local traditional religious leader
tavy Production of rice on upland hillside fields that have been recently cleared. Involves one or several years of crop cultivation followed by a period of fallow. The secondary growth is then cleared again and another rice crop is planted. In Anivorano, one year of crop production is generally followed by five years of fallow before the cycle is repeated.



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