Community Forestry Note 13:
WHAT ABOUT THE WILD ANIMALS? Wild animal species in community forestry in the tropics
by Kent H. Redford, Robert Godshalk and Kiran Asher


abiotic non-living
bezoar stones hard lumps formed in the stomach or gastric system, typically in ungulates
biotic living
catchment basin a natural drainage basin which channels rainfall into a single outflow; used also to refer to an area from which game animals are harvested
culling killing a select number of organisms, usually for management purposes
entomology the study of insects
ethnobotanists scientists studying the use of plants by humans
fallow a previously cultivated area which is left uncultivated so as to increase future agricultural productivity
game animals which are hunted by humans
herbivory the consumption of photosynthetic material (usually leaves) by animals
herpetofaunas the reptiles and amphibians found in a given region
heterothermia cold-blooded
homeothermia warm-blooded
invertebrates animals without backbones (such as insects)
kwashiorkor a severe form of malnutrition due to insufficient protein consumption, most commonly found in children
market hunting hunting for sale in markets
nagana (in cattle) tsetse disease
neonate a new-born animal
neotropics the tropical regions of the western hemisphere
phylogenetic related to phylogeny; the evolutionary relationships between groups
savanna open, grass-dominated ecosystems
source faunas the entire animal life of a given region available for use by humans
sustained yield the condition of being able to harvest at a given rate over a sustained period of time
swidden agriculture shifting cultivation
ungulates hoofed animals
vertebrates animals with backbones (such as mammals, fish, birds, etc.)



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