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Glossary of Kenyah Terms


custom, customary, tradition



Apo Kayan

area in centre of Borneo




Kenyah garden or orchard (any crop but rice)

banjir kap

a method of logging, whereby logs are floated out when


rivers flood last year's ricefield


tin holding 11 kg. of field dried rice




Head of the District administrative unit


Head of the Subdistrict administrative unit


outboard motor, with long propeller shaft

Gereja Protestan

Indonesia Barat

Protestant Church of western Indonesia


two-wheeled wheelbarrow

hak milik

rights of ownership

hak ulayat

rights of use

hukum adat

traditional law


crook (in river)


basketry backpack


tarsier (Tarsius bancanus)


secondary forest (< 30 years)

jekau Wet

young secondary forest

jekau dadu'

old secondary forest


District administrative unit


small, bad smelling ant-like insect with a small body and

kaum ibut

long legs which the people describe as urinating poison on the plant - perhaps rice bug (Leptocorisa oratorius). women's group


Subdistrict administrative unit

Kemah Injil

Gereja Masehi


Bible Camp of the Christian Church of Indonesia


head (Indonesian)

kepala adat

a village leader in charge of customary matters related to



unidentified rice pest (insect)




honey tree (strangling fig)


lowland, flatland, flats




old growth forest




rice disease (probably blast)

njau alang

rice pest, probably brown planthopper (Nilaparuata lugeus).

njau liban

a kind of snake





Paren Biu'

The Big Leader or Highest Aristocrat


Pembangunan Lima Tahun (Five Year Plan)

Perkebunan Inti

Rakyat (PIR)

Nucleus Estate System (NES)

Program Bina Desa

Village Guidance Program




enough, sufficient


drought or dry spell

tai selai

circular migration, or to make an expedition


father of..




mother of..




worm that attacks rice, probably cutworm or armyworm (cf.


Watson and Willis 1983).

ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri)



uman undat

Rice Harvest Festival (lit. "eat new rice")


small red, unidentified bird, perhaps Lochura malacca jagori


second in command, vice-, representative


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