
(E: English - F: French - S: Spanish)


A framework for analyzing institutional incentives in community forestry, 1992. (E, F,S)

J. Thomson.

Case studies in forest-based small scale enterprises in Asia. Rattan, matchmaking and handicrafts, 1991.

N.L. Peluso, J.C. Tandon, S. Hady and J. Campbell.

Case studies of farm forestry and wasteland development in Gujarat, India, 1988.

S. Jain.

Common forest resource management: annotated bibliography of Asia, Africa and Latin America, 1993.

D.A. Mersserschmidt.

Community forestry: herders' decision-making in natural resources management in arid and semi-arid Africa, 1990. (E, F)

M. Niamir.

Community forestry: participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation, 1989. (E, F, S)

D. Davis-Case.

Community forestry: rapid appraisal, 1989. (E, F, S)

A. Molnar.

Community forestry: rapid appraisal of tree and land tenure, 1989. (E, F, S)

J.W. Bruce.

Community forestry: ten years in review, 1991. (E, F, S)

J.E.M. Arnold.

Community-based commercial enterprise development for the conservatio of biodiversity in Bwindi World Heritage Site, Uganda, 2006.

Community-based fire management: Case studies from China, The Gambia, Honduras, India, Lao People's Democratic Republic and Turkey, 2003. (E, F, S)

Community-based forest resource conflict management - A training package. Volume 1. 2002.

K. Means and C. Josayma.

Community-based forest resource conflict management - A training package. Volume 2. 2002.

K. Means and C. Josayma.

Community-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market Analysis and Development manual, [booklets A-F], 2000. (E, S)

I. Lecup and Ken Nicholson.

Booklet A - Users' guide to the field manual

Revised Booklet B - Introduction: Defining where you want to end up, 2006

Booklet C - Phase 1: Assess the existing situation

Booklet D - Phase 2: Identify products, markets and means of marketing

Booklet E - Phase 3: Plan enterprises for sustainable development

Booklet F - Case Study: Designing tree, forest and home garden product enterprises for sustainable development

Community-based Tourism: Income generation and conservatio of biodiversity in Bwindi World heritage. The Buhoma Village Walk Case Study. 2006.

Conflict and Natural Resource Management, 2000. (E, F, S)

V. Matiru

Crafting institutional arrangements for community forestry, 1997.

J. Thomson and K. Schoonmaker-Freudenberger.

Developing participatory and integrated watershed management. A case study of the FAO/Italy Inter-regional Project for Participatory Upland Conservation and Development (PUCD), 1998.

P. Warren.

Empowering communities through forestry: Community-based enterprise development in the Gambia. 2005.

Exploring Options for joint Forest Management in India, 2005.

Fabulous forest factories, 1993 (E, F, S)

Farmer experimentation and innovation. A case study of knowledge generation processes in agroforestry systems in Rwanda, 1996.

C. den Biggelaar.

Food for the future, 1990. (E, F, S)

Forest resources and institutions, 1998.

C. Gibson, M. McKean and E. Ostrom.

Forestland for the people. A forest village project in Northeast Thailand, 1988.

S. Jain.

Forestry and food security, 1989. (E, F, S)

Forestry and food security, 1996. (E, F, S)

Forestry for local community development, 1978. (E, F, S)

Forests and People: 25 years of Community Forestry, 2001.

J. E. M. Arnold.

Forests, trees and food, 1992.

Future Forests, 2000. (E, F, S)

Future Forests - Teacher's Guide, 2001 (E, F, S)

Guidelines for integrating nutrition concerns into forestry projects, 1991. (E, F, S)

C. Ogden.

Guidelines for planning, monitoring and evaluating cookstove programs, 1990. (E, F, S)

S. Jospeh.

Household food security and forestry: an analysis of socio-economic issues, 1989. (E, F, S)

J. Falconer and J.E.M. Arnold.

How Forests can reduce poverty, 2001. (E, F, S)

I am so hungry I could eat a tree, 1992. (E, F, S)

Integrating conflict management considerations into national policy frameworks. Proceedings of a satellite meeting to the XI World Forestry Congress, 10-13 October 1997, Antalya, Turkey. 1998

Integrating gender considerations into FAO forestry projects, 1994. (E, S)

M. Rojas.

Introducing community forestry: annotated listing of topics and readings, 1994.

N.L. Peluso, M. Turner and L. Fortmann.

Legal bases for the management of forest resources as common property, 1999.

J.W. Bruce

Managing forests as common property, 1998.

Market analysis and development: The map of the process, 2000. (E, S)

Market Analysis Development. Filed Facilitator Guidelines, 2004.

Marketing information systems for non-timber forest products, 1996.

C. Koppell.

Microfinance and forest-based small-scale enterprises, 2005.

Natural resource conflict management case studies: an analysis of power, participation and protected areas, 2003.

A.P. Castro and E. Nielsen.

Negotiation and mediation techniques for natural resource management, 2005. (E, F, S)

Our trees and forests, 1992. (E, F, S)

Participatory approaches to planning for community forestry, 1995.

T. Oltheten

Peasant participation in community reforestation. Four communities in the Department of Cuzco, Peru, 1993.

L. Vizarreta.

Proceedings of the international workshop on community forestry in Africa: Participatory forest management: a strategy for sustainable forest management in Africa, 26-30 April 1999, Banjul, The Gambia. (E, F)

Proceedings of the second international workshop on participatory forestry in Africa: Defining the way forward: sustainable livelihoods and sustainable forest management through participatory forestry. 18-22 February 2002, Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania. (E, F)

Proceedings: electronic conference on "addressing natural resource conflicts through community forestry", January-May 1996.

D. Chandrasekharan.

Restoring the balance: women and forest resources, 1991. (E, F, S)

R. Clarke. 1987

Rural livelihoods and access to forest resources in Mongolia , 2006.

Selecting tree species on the basis of community needs, 1995.

K. Warner.

Shifting cultivation in Bhutan: a gradual approach to modifying land use patterns. A case study from Pema Gatshel District, Bhutan, 1995.

K. Warner.

Shifting cultivators of Indonesia: Marauders or managers of the forest? Rice production and forest use among the Uma' Jalan of East Kalimantan, 1993.

C. Pierce Colfer.

Shifting cultivators: local technical knowledge and natural resource management in the humid tropics, 1991. (E, F, S)

K. Warner.

Simpler Forest Management Plans for Participatory Forestry, 2004.

Small-scale forest-based processing enterprises, 1987 (E, F, S).

Social and economic incentives for smallholder tree growing. A case study from Murang'a District, Kenya, 1993.

P. A. Dewees.

Socioeconomic attributes of trees and tree planting practices, 1991. (E, S)

J.B. Raintree.

The community's toolbox: the idea, methods and tools for participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation in community forestry, 1990. (E, F, S)

D'Arcy Davis Case.

The gender analysis and forestry international training package, 1995. (E, F, S)

V. Wilde and A. Vainio-Mattila.

The impact of social and environmental change on forest management. A case study from West Kalimantan, Indonesia, 1993.

N.L. Peluso.

The major significance of 'minor' forest products: the local use and value of forests in the West African humid forest zone, 1990.

J. Falconer.

The Management Of Villagers Owned Stone Pine (Pinus Pinea L.) Plantations In Kozak Region, Turkey: A Case Study, 2004.

The participatory process for supporting collaborative management of natural resources: an overview, 1999.

A.W Ingles, A. Musch and H. Qwist-Hoffmann.

The role of alternative conflict management in community forestry, 1994.

C. Pendzich, G. Thomas and T. Wohigenant.

Tree and land tenure in the Eastern Terai, Nepal. A case study from the Siraha and Saptari Districts, Nepal, 1993.

B. Subedi, C. Das and D.A. Messerschmidt.

Tree and land tenure: rapid appraisal tools, 1994. (E, F, S)

K. Schoonmaker-Freudenberger.

Tree and land tenure: using rapid appraisal to study natural resource management. A case study from Anivorano, Madagascar, 1995.

K. Schoonmaker-Freudenberger.

Tree growing by rural people, 1985. (E, F, S)

Understanding forest tenure in South and Southeast Asia, 2006.

Volume 1: compilation of discussion papers made to the electronic conference on "addressing natural resource conflicts through community forestry", January-May 1996.

What about the wild animals? Wild animal species in community forestry in the tropics, 1995.

K.H. Reford, R. Godshalk and K. Asher.

Women in community forestry: a field guide for project design and implementation, 1989. (F, S)

M. Rojas

Women's role in dynamic forest-based small scale enterprises. Case studies on uppage and lacquerware from India. 1991.

D. Jain and J. Campbell.

Tropical Trees for Life