
People and forests

FAO participatory forestry publications

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For most people living in the world’s rural areas, especially the poor, forests and trees provide crucial products and services. FAO is committed to improve rural livelihoods through the support of participatory forestry and sustainable management of forests and trees. Initially the main vehicle for FAO’s work in this area was the multidonor trust fund Forests, Trees and People Programme (FTPP), which started in 1987 and ended in 2002. FTPP was an international community forestry programme designed to increase social and economic equity and improve well-being, especially of the poor, through collaborative and sustainable management of trees, forests and other natural resources.

One major achievement of FTPP was the development and distribution of tools and methodologies to promote participatory forestry. These are presented in this CD together with other recent FAO publications. It is hoped that these publications will contribute to strengthening human and institutional capacities that are necessary for the support of sustainable forest resources management by local populations.

This collection contains over 15 years of publications produced by FAO and its partners on participatory forestry and related subjects.

It includes a selection of more than 80 publications and provides a comprehensive source of information and references on participatory forestry.


Information about FAO’s activities in participatory forestry
can be found on the FAO Forestry Web site:

© FAO 2006

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Tropical Trees for Life