most people living in the
world’s rural areas,
especially the poor, forests
and trees provide crucial
products and services. FAO is
committed to improve rural
livelihoods through the
support of participatory
forestry and sustainable
management of forests and
trees. Initially the main
vehicle for FAO’s work in this
area was the multidonor trust
fund Forests, Trees and People
Programme (FTPP), which
started in 1987 and ended in
2002. FTPP was an
international community
forestry programme designed to
increase social and economic
equity and improve well-being,
especially of the poor,
through collaborative and
sustainable management of
trees, forests and other
natural resources.
One major achievement of FTPP
was the development and
distribution of tools and
methodologies to promote
participatory forestry. These
are presented in this CD
together with other recent FAO
publications. It is hoped that
these publications will
contribute to strengthening
human and institutional
capacities that are necessary
for the support of sustainable
forest resources management by
local populations.
This collection contains over
15 years of publications
produced by FAO and its
partners on participatory
forestry and related subjects.
It includes a selection of
more than 80 publications
and provides a comprehensive
source of information and
references on participatory